Nov 17, 2014

Tips for Conducting Group Lessons & Fall Task Cards

Group lessons can be difficult at times in an autism classroom.  Having everyone on the same page certainly can prove to be challenging. However, there are some ideas out there that can make the task a bit more productive (notice I did not say easier).  Here are some tips: 
  • Have your materials ready in a box or bin before the lesson begins.
  • Only keep on the table the items you are discussing at the present time. Do not clutter the table with extra things.
  • Use hands on activities as much as possible.
  • Keep your materials for the lesson behind you or they may end up on the floor.
  • Use a topic board with photos or picture icons to show the students what the lesson will be about.
  • Use a topic board to review the lesson at the end. Always close out the lesson with a quick (could be only 30 seconds) review of what was discussed.
  • Remember to alternate sides when presenting to each student.  Don’t feel the need to always work from the student on the left side to the student on the right side.
  • Remember to transition the students.  Clearly let them know the lesson is finished by telling them or showing them a sign.  Also, always direct them to the next activity.

Need a quick lesson lesson that is engaging and meaningful? Oh, and not to mention timely?  If you do here are the fall themed versions of my popular identifying same and different task cards. These can be used in a group or individually. 

Task Cards-Fall Items (Identify the Same) and Task Cards- Fall Items (Which One is Different?)


Each set includes 16 fall related pictures. Each page has 4 cards. Laminate the page, cut the rectangular card and have students:
a.)Say or point to the same.

b.)Use a clothespin or paperclip to mark the correct answer.

c.)Develop a creative method to have students identify the same.

1 comment :

  1. I really appreciate the information about clearly directing the students. This is so important for an autistic student. They need clarity and guidance in all that they do. With mainstream students, they can acquire the skills of envisioning what the next step is. Autistic children need a lot more guidance in this area.
